By: Nada Damaty

Egyptian families are made up of a wide range of unique people, and although each of them has their perks and their flaws-let’s be honest, some have more flaws than perks, the family just wouldn’t be the same without them. Yes, families do differ, but there are certain members you’ll undoubtedly find in almost every family.

1-Khalty El Latata

We all know her, that one lady who just WON’T STOP TALKING. She feeds on gossip and loves to recount the same stories of her past… several times. Look out for her at the next 3ezoma, because if she gets her hands on you, there is no escape.

khalty ellatata2-The Mr/Ms “Know it All”

This person talks about anything and everything. You’ll find that they have a comment to make in every conversation, whether it’s about politics or sports, they always seem to be experts. Like it or not, you will listen to what they have to say because they’re probably the loudest ones in the room.

3-El Habeeb/Habeeba

This is the family member who’s always getting in or out of a relationship. They frequently update their relationship status on Facebook, and don’t seem to keep their “private business” very private.

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4-The Devil in Disguise

This family member is dubbed as the “malak”, who has no vices. But wait till you see them outside family 3ezomat, with the shisha in one hand and the drink in the other.

5-The Spoilt Kids

These are the kids you’ll find in most families, the ones who wear the brands you didn’t even know existed till you were 15. They expect everything to go their way, and if that doesn’t happen, behold the waterworks.

6-The One Who Wants to Move

It’s that person who doesn’t talk about anything except how horrible the country is, and about the luxuries of living abroad. They criticize every aspect of their lives here, but end every sentence with “bas aho ne3mel eih”.

7-The Show Off

Yes, we get it. You’re incredible. Now, can you please stop talking about your new car?!

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